Founded in 2007, our multidisciplinary services include media relations; strategy development; direct advertisement; earned media acquisition; policy formulation and intervention; traditional and new media engagement; brand positioning and management; tactical partnership building; risk assessment and response; and event planning to clients in need of immediate support, quick reactionary help, or longterm oversight and direction.
Our team engages as active partners in our clients’ communications department to propagate their side of the story, while protecting them against existing or potential crises. We work to quickly transform a negative image into a positive one for individuals, groups and organizations, and continue to maintain and strengthen their brand once we have done so.
Sykes Global prides itself on being a small, aggressive team that provides hands-on senior level management and guidance to the individuals and organizations we commit to faithfully serving. Intimate and sustained attention is paid to each and every respective client, and the work we provide for them starts and stays at the very top of our organization. The highly strategic plans of action we institute and carry out work to always move the needle in the right direction. We are lean and mean, we deliver more with less, and we do so with integrity and social responsibility.
We are consistently and steadfastly by the side of organizations and individuals at a strategic crossroads in times when they need guidance the most. Our expert management services generate publicity and media exposure to build and enhance reputations, forge clients’ brands, and help them weather any storm. We take pride in serving those who make a difference.